Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Coming to the end...

We're moving into the home stretch. This is the last 3 weeks of school and with that come the wrapping up of the year's work. We've settled into doing testing review for now and maybe a few other things such as light lapbooking. I saw a great one on youtube that had a house with fold outs and a family tree. I was thinking of making that one and having them work on their address/phone number as well as family tree and family pics. Maybe even a little page about the family for writing practice.
Yesterday we attended our end of year library party. It was wonderful. The weather was so cooperative as we had a little pizza party and playing at the park. The kids also got a cool certificate as well as stickers and a tattoo (which one has gotten lost somehow....leaving one remaining tattoo to fight over...crossing fingers that it's in the car!!).
I also discovered a test that I can administer myself which is great news since I've had such trouble lining up a tester lately. Only problem is that I had to order it now so we can complete it in time and get our results back in time enough to send to our school board.
One final note....I got the last of next years curriculum in the mail yesterday! whoohoo, that always tickles me to know that we're ready to go when August hits. Some things like my son's english and our history that we didn't start until midyear around January will still carry over. But I'm about ready to pack up our things for this year and put it away!
I typically don't actually pack them up but hopefully we'll be moving soon so that'll be one thing less to worry about while packing/moving everything. I just hope I label it all clear enough that I'm not searching the entire house for it later. :)
This year is wrapping up nicely.
....another side note...I am thinking about changing this to a general site about my everyday life. With it I would be able to include more things such as my gardening exploits as well as my crafting and my own school work. Just a thought for now...might look more into that in a few weeks when everything settles down. This is my last week of the college spring semester and we have only 3 more weeks of school left. I'll actually have some time on my hands...don't know what I'll do with it!!!


Anonymous said...

How is the testing going? We are finally finished that and are waiting on the results. My ds did tell me though that he thinks the practice tests are harder than the real thing. Hopefully, your kids will think the same. Trilynn

Autumn Leavz said...

We are in our last week of test prep and should be taking the test next week. I'll be happy to be waiting for results. :)
Hope your son did well! These tests are such a pain in the butt but if it keeps the school board happy!
Did you see my article on homeschooling.about.com? It is 'Why homeschooling is on the rise'. You might want to check it out.

Anonymous said...

I read your article on the about site. It was very well written:) You are right--the testing is a pain! I understand why they have to do it--but at the same time I hate feeling like I am being told what to teach when. For example with history--if I want to start at the beginning and work my way forward--I feel like I can't. They might be testing on American History instead of Ancient History ect. Does this mean my children will not know American History? Absolutely not. It just means we have chosen to cover history in the sense that it is a story. It is frustrating because I don't want him to feel like he is unprepared so then you end up like the public school teaching to the test. We did Ancient History last summer and then did American History during the school year. My plan is to move on into book 2 of SOTW. We will see how this works. Ds is able to handle this kind of jumping around it is more my younger one I am worried about. It is funny, as you will see with the results, that all they do is tell you what you already know. I am not shocked usually with the breakdown of the test results because I know where my child is in all areas. Trilynn

Autumn Leavz said...

Thanks about the compliment on the article. I totally agree with you on the testing part. I hate the history aspect because I love the idea of going chronologically like you. I have decided to start coving american history at least 2 times per year...maybe once at the beginning and once more toward the end of the school year. That way they'll still be on par with the classrooms but we won't be focusing on it. I don't know, maybe they'll just have a better history bases than we ever did because we're focusing on it so much. I don't remember going over it that much in my own ps education. I (don't tell anyone) hadn't even heard of mesopotamia really until I started hs'ing last year! Then I took a western history class this year in college so I feel stronger on it. but i dont even remember being taught that!

Anonymous said...

I am very vague also on mesopotamia and nomads from my public school education. I believe we may have touched on it briefly in sixth grade--not a hundred percent sure. Sad huh? Trilynn

Autumn Leavz said...

I know, it's pitiful. I would have to say that other than the classes I really found interesting (because of the teachers and their methods) I don't remember a lot from my ps education. I think I have learned the most in the 12 years since and in the past year of college. Maybe it's because I now want to learn instead of being made to like before. But I still don't think they covered as much then as they needed to.