Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Wonderful Mother's Day

Mother's Day has come and gone again this year. I have to say that I had a wonderful one. The morning was filled with my kids giving me many many cards that they had made themselves and compiled to surprise me with.
The afternoon was the interesting part. We had a power outage. It ended up to be wonderful. Because it was so cold we lit lanterns and acted like we were 'camping out'. I, of course took the opportunity to give a lesson about how people used to live before power and what they would do. We spent the evening and early part of the night watching 'shows' that my children took turns putting on for us. These were hilarious comedy routines and stories acted out. They were adorable. Me and dh even got in the act by putting on our own routines with jokes and stories. Our power came back on by 9pm but we were having so much fun that we kept the lights and the t.v. off and pretended like we were still camping. We even all slept on the couch as if we were camping somewhere different. It was such a blast and probably the best mother's day ever! I loved it more than any present or any dinner destination that could have been given to me!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear that you had a great Mother's Day. I had a great one also. The church held a mother-daughter tea. My dd and I got all dressed up together and made an afternoon of it. When we got back the boys were out mowing the lawn and having that much needed male bonding time:) LOL:) Both kids made me cards. You are right though--it is the little things that are special. Nothing can replace that family time where you are tuned into one another. No tvs or other electronical devices--just good old fashioned fun. Trilynn

Autumn Leavz said...

A mother-daughter tea sounds so fun! Was it all 'dainty' with lace doilies? That's what I picture. That would be so fun regardless!

Anonymous said...

Yes, they put a lot of work into it. It was very "dainty" with flowers and doilies. They had lots of little cakes and finger foods. You could tell that they put a lot of thought into it. They even had a speaker that was very lively. It was also nice that we didn't have to make conversation while trying to eat lady like. We could just focus in on the speaker and chew our food slowly taking little bites. Trilynn

Autumn Leavz said...

That sounds so fun. Would love to take my daughter to something like that one day. She is so into 'girly' things and loves dressing up and playing tea so she would love it too. :)