Sunday, February 22, 2009

FIAR- The Story About Ping...

Oh, I am loving Five in a Row curriculum. I was able to do it this week in the midst of packing/unpacking, moving, etc. The kids seem to like it too and they were showing off China and the Yangtze River to Papaw just now.
I was not able to do Friday because of more packing stuff, so I am trying to decide if I'll try to continue it on Monday and do the Science, and I still have the Recipe day as well as the Bible Character one. So I don't know if I'll continue for another day or two or just move on to the second book already.

We employed our Encyclopedia set for the first real time since I got them. We looked up China and browsed through the pictures. We colored a Chinese flag and answered questions on the Yangtze River. I had intended to use them in a lapbook about the book with some duck facts but didn't get to that either.

I guess if I had a perfect week I may do like I did this week but Thursday we would do the Recipe and maybe the Bible study then. Or we may row for 1 1/2 weeks instead and have the 6th day for the remainder of the science lessons (I would like to cover them all, they look interesting) and day 7 for Character lesson (or vise versa). I will give both a try and see how it goes.

I do think I want to definitely add the spelling and grammar to it though. If I was daring, I would search through the book and select the words to learn to spell from it. But I think I'll play it safe with the books that I already have for now.

I am just really excited with the Five in a Row curriculum so far. :)

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